Uterus Transplant


Uterus transplantation is an advanced and rare technique which is used in those females where the uterus is deceased or absent. It is performed so that a female can carry eggs for the fertilization and babies can be produced. The procedure is performed to improve infertility as well.

What is Uterus Transplant?

Uterus transplant is a surgical technique in which the deceased uterus is replaced by the healthy uterus. Our gynecologists remove the diseased uterus and replace it with the healthy uterus by performing surgery.

What causes Uterus Transplant?

A uterus is an important organ of the female reproductive system. A uterus is the only childbearing organ. If a female is having a healthy uterus then it is quite easy for her to carry a baby and nurture it properly. This transplant is a good surgical method to cure infertility.

The procedure

Our experts only perform this procedure. During this procedure, the mandatory thing is to find the donor. Once we get the donor then the procedure starts with certain tests so that the surgery can start. Once the donor’s uterus is fit in the deceased female body then pregnancy procedure can start.

Post-transplant care

After Uterus transplantation is done then it will be easy to perform pregnancy-related procedures.

Benefits of Uterus Transplant

A woman is a golden chance to bear a child of her own. It also helps in emotional distress.

Why NICE ?

  • We are associated with the best hospitals globally having the emergency infrastructure, fully equipped with the latest technologies and techniques to overcome from every emergency condition.
  • Our team of doctors are highly experienced in ‘Emergency Patient Management’ and work together to save the patient.
  • Consultation from doctors through e-mail, phone, and video calling.
  • Rehabilitation programs are organized to assist complex surgery patients.
  • Complete support and assistance being given before and after treatment.
  • Cost of treatment is quite less as compared to other service providers.
  • We are always ready to offer our helping hand and our services are available 24/7.