Problems related to the sperms such as low mobility and motility can also pose a problem in natural conception. Intrauterine insemination (IUI)—a type of artificial insemination—helps the female partner conceive successfully. This treatment is one of the fertility treatments that involves placement of sperms inside the uterus to expedite fertilization. IUI is different from IVF treatment, in which fertilization is conducted outside the womb of the mother by extracting eggs. Both IUI and IVF treatment have their own benefits. IVF and IUI cost depends on the number of cycles that are repeated to achieve the desired results. IUI procedure in India is less costly than IVF. Sometimes, both these procedures are performed together on case-to-case basis to increase the chances of successful conception.
Usually, IUI treatment is painless and is completed in few minutes. The sperm is injected 24 to 36 hours later followed by the injection of the hormone into the womb.
After the treatment, you may experience slight speculum bleeding. It is noticed in the routine gynaecological exam. Cramping is experienced due to the use of speculum during IUI or is could be normal cramping that occurs at the time of ovulation.
To speed up recovery after IUI, make sure that you:
A few patients may experience discomfort in the form of pelvic pain, hot flashes, nausea, and headache because of the use of drugs administered to stimulate ovaries. In rare cases, administration of drugs may lead to swollen and painful ovaries, which could be a symptom of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS). However, these side effects are mild and disappear once the medication is stopped.
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