Ivf Treatment


About the IVF(In Vitro Fertilization)

The natural process of fertilization involves the conjugation of an egg and sperm inside the woman’s body. In-vitro-fertilization (IVF) is the procedure that involves the conception of an egg outside the body in a laboratory. IVF comes under assisted reproductive technology (ART) that involves the use of advanced medical technology to help with pregnancy in the woman

Which conditions may need IVF support?

  • Blocked Fallopian tubes
  • Advanced age of a woman
  • Decreased sperm count
  • Failure of the treatment with fertility drugs

How is IVF(In Vitro Fertilization performed?

The steps through which IVF procedure occurs are:

Step 1: Over-stimulation of ovulation

Stimulation of the ovaries occurs with the administration of fertility drugs. The natural process involves the production of one egg per month, but the fertility drugs hyperstimulate the ovaries to produce more number of drugs.

Step 2: Retrieval of eggs

Removal of the eggs from the woman’s body is done through a minor surgery called follicular aspiration surgery. Pain medications are given to the woman and with the help of ultrasound, a thin needle attached to the suction pump is inserted into the vagina. The needle is directed towards the follicles containing eggs and suctions the fluid and the eggs.

Step 3: Insemination

The inactive cells from the semen are removed. The ovum and the sperms are incubated in the ratio of 1:75,000.

Step 4: Fertilization

The sperm enters the egg and fertilization takes place. If the sperm is found to be weak, then Intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) is performed which involves direct injection of sperm into the ovum.

Step 5: Culture of the embryo

After fertilization, the egg divides forming an embryo. The embryo rapidly divides within five days after fertilization.

Genetic diagnosis is performed after 3-4 days of fertilization to rule out the genetic disorders.

Step6: Transfer of the embryo

The embryos are transferred into the mother’s womb after 3-5 days of fertilization. This transfer is done with the help of a thin tube containing embryos. The tube is inserted through the vagina, cervix, and to the womb. Pregnancy is resulted if the embryo starts growing.

Recovery from IVF(In Vitro Fertilization)

Care to be taken after the procedure

  • You can perform your daily living activities from the next day.
  • Continue to take Progesterone pills for 8 to 12 weeks as decrease in progesterone levels may cause miscarriage.

If you have experience symptoms such as fever, pelvic pain, bleeding, and blood in urine, consult your physician immediately.

Why NICE ?

  • We are associated with the best hospitals globally having the emergency infrastructure, fully equipped with the latest technologies and techniques to overcome from every emergency condition.
  • Our team of doctors are highly experienced in ‘Emergency Patient Management’ and work together to save the patient.
  • Consultation from doctors through e-mail, phone, and video calling.
  • Rehabilitation programs are organized to assist complex surgery patients.
  • Complete support and assistance being given before and after treatment.
  • Cost of treatment is quite less as compared to other service providers.
  • We are always ready to offer our helping hand and our services are available 24/7.